Millions of people dealing with baldness and hair loss problems feel very unpleasant emotions due to hair is thin. However, there are so many people are cool with the fact that they are losing hair, take in natural processes in the body. For those, who want to overcome baldness there a lot of new developments in the field of medical treatments. And if you start the treatment from the very beginning, you have better chances to tackle the problem effectively if you try to fight hair loss when you're already bald. However, you must define the real cause behind the problem first to begin to address. Which brings us to the question of this article: can excessive stress lead to treating baldness and hair loss? Stress has become the scapegoat for medicine, conditions get too tied him these days. Of course, this is a factor really negative as heavily on health in General. But no haste with blame your job or the workload to be the cause of hair loss. Because there are factors more that simply emphasize that all contribute to hair loss problems. Balding is usually caused by a combination of factors that influence the condition of the hair follicle. The pattern baldness process is different in each case, in particular between men and women. Men are generally lose hair in the average age, with patches of hair getting lost while others are perfectly healthy. Women's hair loss is usually progresses to the age of 60 and is characterized by thinning of the hair of the scalp. One of the most common factors leading to the loss of hair in men is the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT alias). This androgen is generally accumulated in large quantities to the average age, and one of its main effects on hair is reduced the hair follicle and prevents the normal strong hair growth. So if you lose the hair as a natural process, you simply do grow new hair back on due to the action of DHT. Among women, the loss of hair occurs due to hormonal imbalances and a gradual increase in male hormone after menopause age top content. In addition to these common hormones factors, there are other problems that can trigger hair thinned like diseases, infections, side effects of medications, certain types of treatment (chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment), drug abuse and so forth. So when you decide that something has to make on your baldness or you want to start using drugs such as Propecia, you must first set the actual cause of the problem. Go to your doctor and provide all the information necessary to describe the general picture. Perhaps you should all Propecia all the and simply have to stop taking a particular drug. Therefore, as you can see, it is difficult to say that stress can lead to the loss of hair in men and women. This is just a minor factor that contributes to the image in General and which is always supported supported by other more serious health problems which need to be resolved.

However, if you want to blame your work to your problems, you are free to do so at any time.